Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 77 of project 365

March 18th- My Sister

SIDE NOTE FOR THE DAY: Why is it when I go down the toilet paper isle at the store I get this confused and overwhelming feeling ? I mean for goodness sake it is just rolls of toilet paper. But I think it is just the stark whiteness and bags and bags of them lined up like an army staring at me!! I need to make sure I get enough and I don't over pay (which will not happen) not to hard not to soft. Its just, as you can tell a very difficult thing for me. 

Today is a very proud day for me as a sister!!! My baby sister is finishing up her college degree! She will have taken her last class and will be graduating in June with her bachelors degree. She has work her little tail off for this. Put her self through college, while working almost full time, multiple jobs at times, got married, newlywed and going to class, commuted hours out of her day to get there!! And she did it! ! She is a determined woman and has a drive and passion and the skills to do ANYTHING! I am so proud of her! (Tears...yes I am crying- I have already posted..i wear my heart on my sleeves) And rumor has it you finished with almost a 4.0???!!!!!!
The coolest part is , she is the 1st person on both sides of our family to Graduate with a Bachelors degree. Way to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren.  I am so excited to see the Lord bless her with an amazing job. And watch her prosper and become the business woman she dreams of being! Good Job Noels!!!  

Noelle and her Best friend Ashley

Noelle and Isaac -the Start of Forever.

My Bestest friend in the entire world

I love our new family members!!! Makes us complete.

 Dear Noels:

You are so beautiful on the inside and out you are an amazing woman and I am proud to be your sister and friend. You are amazing, and such a fun person to be around. you make me laugh and smile, and I look back and love every memory we have ever made. I am so proud of you and the accomplishments you did!! you rock my socks off Noels.Thank you for being so precious and giving everyday to EVERYONE! You truly have an amazing heart.
Love,  Sister
Your Perfect Day!
I don't think I could be prouder then I am of her ! Happy early Graduation...happy DONE WITH SCHOOL FOREVER TO YOU!!!

Nic & Cole


  1. Congrats Noelle! Whoohoo for you!

  2. Yay Noelle! I remember when Erik graduated and the feeling of accomplishment I felt for and with him:) Nice job!!

  3. Awe, Thanks Nic! That was so sweet of you to blog about me :) I smiled the whole time! hehe, On Thursday night I was riding the bus home after my last final. I started talking to the bus driver and the conversation moved to my schooling I announced to him that I just graduated, by just finishing my last final. He gave me a high five and said he was so happy for me, and asked me how do you felt? (wrong question to ask, as my emotions started taking over, I teared up thanking him. Then as i walked away I thought, did i just cry to the bus driver!? hehe. It hasn't fully set in yet, but i think I'm going to like it! Love you Nicole so much! you are so great! and thanks Kelly and Tricia(Isaac has been so giddy for me all weekend!) hehe
