Thursday, November 11, 2010

Buying a House!! - True Colors

First Impressions are key- you only get one chance to make that first impression, and statistics say you have 6 seconds before someone will make a judgment even with out words spoke!!

What or how do you start the, buying a house all reality we are house purchasing virgins....I dont know what to do or how to start. :)
So we have been looking online at houses, dozens of the same looking houses for sale, too much land, not enough, house needs A LOT of work, the house is too much money for that town house vs out of on and so forth. And then we saw it.....we have found OUR favorite....we loved it and decide we want to go look at! So we call up their realitor and schedule a visit which happened this last Sunday.
As we pull up, and at first glance-first impression, we already see signs of disappointment. What could it be...well only a HUGE and way overpowering flag for this house and on it.... a giant U of O - ok really??!!! gross !! So as we ignored what we proceeded to walk under to get in this otherwise beautiful house, we open the door, and I was already in love. The living room has so much character and warm feelings..a fire place ...big nice windows...amazing wood floors...arch ways that lead into the hall and kitchen... and then I walked in a little further....and I walked into my worst nightmare! Green and Yellow and ducks paraphernalia every where in sight..the pictures, the magnets all over the ridge, the stuffed ducks in the shelf's, the mini flags, the coffee mugs out on display, the candles, the pom poms, and yes, even the table cloth had ducks on it...and to top off this there was green paint on the walls. For any Beaver fan that would be misery walking through, but for my husband (who by his own words, "bleeds orange and black") it was like a cruel mocking joke. Trying to putt the images out of our mind, and ignore the decor we walked through the house and saw all the fun and unique things this house has and the bad taste began to go away. 
Moral of the story, the FIRST house visit us V-home owners saw, was not so attractive and a little- -lets not joke EXTENSIVELY and distastefully decorated -might even say tacky...but I am a Beavers fan so I am a little partial to my colors. But we do love the house and so the process begins...and thank the Lord the decorations will not be coming with the house!!! The realtor in the funnest way told me that we can negotiate the "pretty decorations into the price of the house" ha ha!

Nic and Cole- 


  1. The process begins?! WOOT WOOT! I will need details of course, the most important being WHAT TOWN??? I'll cross my fingers for our one :)

  2. Well the Nofzigers are sure to like the house as is! I'm very excited for you. The only better news would be "we're having a baby!":)( I only jest slightly!)
