Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 20 of Project 365

My cooking adventure~

Being a new wife I have acquired a 
new desire to Cook!! Before that would have scared my socks off, now I am embracing it and trying new things. Unfortunately my husband is the recipient of the "bad dishes" He is a great sport about it.I have had my fair shares of bad dishes, just ask my family, I guess when the box said saute' I was a little unsure of what that meant...I thought it was HEAT UP for a min and then go on with the other directions that = LOTS AND LOTS of crunch (tooth breaking) rice. Lets see, I have a hard time with quarts and gallons...why cant they just put how many cupes that is....mixing...ohhh boy where to start on that one, I thought it was ok for lumps to be in the cookie or cake mixes but usually those mean that there is an ingrediant stuck together, so as you took a bite of them you got a mouth full of brown sugar, or baking powder,or flour! The list could go on. 
I know it is silly but I caramelized onions for the first time, and then put fresh chopped garlic and mushrooms in it. I also made homemade mash potatoes with baby carrots. I am trying to make new stuff everyday.I love chopping!!

It Also makes me very excited for a bigger kitchen, I on purpose saved some fun Kitchen stuff I got for the wedding, they are still in their boxes so I can open them in the new house when I have space~

My Kitchen inspiration is : Rachel Ray, Kelly Hernandez !!! And may I add......That SPICES is a entirely new world for me..a little overwhelming but I can conquer!

Nic & Cole


  1. Have fun! Once you start you will never want to stop. There is something so satisfying about making a meal that you and your husband enjoy. :)

  2. Awwwww... That was very sweet!

    I can vouch you're doing great. Your tri-tip dinner you made for Dave and I was delicious!

    Oh and embrace the spice world... they're wonderful. They do magical and marvelous things to dishes and they make your tastebuds dance!
